Saturday, March 17, 2012

Learning About Social Justice (Modified)

I thought this was a great way to define our journey toward learning about social justice.

"As we begin our journey together, it is important to understand that our task is one that is challenging for a variety of reasons. Those from dominant groups may feel guilt, shame or denial as they study about the experiences of privileged people like themselves.

I urge you to process the emotions that come up for you as you cover this often challenging information. So what are some tips I would give for effective learning about this stuff?  Here are a few ideas that come to mind:

- Take risks and leave your comfort zone.  One of the reasons why social injustice thrives is because people like to stay in their comfort zones and not take any risks.  Confronting oppression is inherently risky.

- Do not personalize.  Remember that we are talking about institutions and systemic patterns of oppression and discrimination.  While guilt is an understandable emotion for dominant group members to experience when learning about social injustice, it is not, ultimately, a productive or helpful emotion.  It is easy to get stuck and mired in guilt and not move forward.  Remember, you are responsible for yourself and your own actions, not those of your entire social group.

- Listen, with compassion.  Be receptive to others' points of views.  Feel free to challenge others, but do so respectfully.  If you really like or appreciate what someone has said or written, let them know!

- When you are a member of the dominant (oppressor) group, allow members of targeted (oppressed) groups to feel anger about the oppression that they and members of their social group historically or currently endure.  Do not minimize, deny or appropriate other people's experiences of oppression. Also, remember that it is not the responsibility or duty of oppressed people to educate you.

- When you are a member of the targeted or oppressed group, remember that members of dominant groups can and will make mistakes.  Allow room for their path of understanding.  This does not mean not challenging oppressive views or behaviors, but rather understanding how their privilege has prevented them from seeing the situation clearly.

- Self-care! Take good care of yourself while engaged in this learning process.  Strive for compassion for yourself and compassion for others.  Approach the new information with an open mind."

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